Sunday 11 December 2011

2011 12 12

Hello everyone, here are some new caps starting with someone famous ;)

The price of fame.

Tolet girl 

Grabbed and pee'd on 

I got her, she got me. 

and lastly here is a body suit story.
pt 1

pt 2

pt 3
so remember, be careful in bodysuits haha

Wednesday 7 December 2011

the last of the caps I made before starting this blog

Here are the remaining caps I made a few days ago, will make more soon, if popular demand I will make more quicker. well enjoy these caps. I am dyslexic so excuse any misspelling or anything, feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts ^__^
till next time

losing a bet can be dangerous  

bodysuits are fun 

slave forever 

 by far the most trippy

would you do it?

leaving the house 


jim's whore 

black guys 

magic show 

party time

careful who you hire 

bodysuit slut 


Here is a bunch of caps ;D

here are the new captions
each caption took me 20 min to make

This one had a slight sizing problem and the word on the right of the page get cut off by 2 letters, but you get the idea.

this one I was trying to have less text, because of how much the last one had.

 This one is a dream I had

This one was quick to make. 

A great one. 

 post me any requests people
this one is a story, Part one 
 Part two
being sold sucks 

new job 

In super shame because of a brain implant.

Hello People, Welcome to my new blog for captions where guys get forced into becoming girls.
You can call me Ashlee, Hope you enjoy my captions.
lots more coming very soon

This was my first caption but is still by far my fav